The name of this organization will be “Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League,” herein after referred to as the “League.”


The objective of the League shall be to provide an organized forum for the discussion and expression of matters of community interest and to encourage activities for the betterment of Bellwood Estates, Bellwood Meadows and Bellwood Forest and the benefit of its residents on a non-partisan and non-sectarian basis.


Section A

Any person owning property in the subdivision of the Kempsville Boroughs of Virginia Beach, Virginia, known as Bellwood Estates, Bellwood Meadows or Bellwood Forest shall be eligible for membership in the league; however, each home shall be subject to one (1) membership and entitled to but one (1) vote.

Section B

Membership will be effective immediately upon paying an initial membership fee.

Section C — Membership will be continuous as long as the annual membership fee is paid as prescribed by the Executive Committee and approved by the Legislative Body.

Section D — Person(s) exercising the rights of membership may be required to show evidence of membership such as a driver’s lisence or name appearing on current membership list. Other reasonable proof of membership may be accepted by a majority vote at any League regular meeting.

Section E              Residents of a neighboring community that are not a member of another civic league may be eligible for “At-Large” membership in the Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League. At-Large members will be approved by the Legislative Body on a case-by-case basis and are subject to all provisions of League By-laws.


Section A

The members present at a regular advertised meeting shall be the Legislative Body of the League.

Section B

The Legislative Body shall conduct all League business involving major matters such as expenditures of over $100, motions, positions, constitution changes, and changes to operating procedures. Other matters may be conducted by the Executive Committee.

Section C

All elected and appointed officers and committees shall be responsible to the Legislative Body.

Section D

Regular meeting of the League shall be held at least quarterly at a location prescribed and advertised in a newsletter or other form of written or electronic notification. Executive Committee meetings will be held when needed according to a consensus of the Committee. For at least two (2) consecutive days, signs will be posted at each of the entrances announcing meetings.

Section E — Special meetings of the Legislative Body may be scheduled and held per a consensus vote of the Executive Committee.

Section F — A quorum at a meeting shall be those members attending provided requirements of Section D above are met.


Section A — The elected officers of the League shall be – President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section B         The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers.

Section C             The fiscal year of the League shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st of the year.

Section D — All officers shall be elected for a two year term. There shall be no limits imposed on consecutive terms in office.


Section A         Voting shall be by secret ballot unless suspended by a motion from the floor.

Section B — Elections shall be held every two years in the fourth calendar quarter or as required. The President shall appoint a chair for the Nominating Committee at the January meeting prior to the election. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) members. Additional members may be appointed by the chair. The committee shall report its recommendations to the Legislative Body at least one (1) month prior to the election via printed newsletter, electronically or at a scheduled general meeting. Nominations from the floor will be invited. The new officers shall be installed immediately with the following oath -­

“I (name) do hereby agree to abide by the Constitution and Operating Procedures of the Bellwood Estates Civic League.


Section A — The President shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the League and the Executive Committee and shall appoint committees as specified in Article X.

Section B              The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President when absent, serve as Program Director to plan interesting and effective programs including informative and interesting speakers and entertainment for regular league meetings, and be responsible for providing appropriate information to the Treasurer and Secretary.

Section C — The Secretary shall record and file the minutes of the League and Executive Committee meetings, maintain the membership roll and record of attendance, receive all monies due to the League, conduct League correspondence, maintain a file of League records and documents including the following -­ minutes, newsletters, Constitution, correspondence, financial reports, and other such reports as may be required. The Secretary shall serve as chair of the Membership Committee.

Section D — The Treasurer shall be responsible for the administration of the League’s financial matters, keep complete and accurate records and submit a written financial statement each meeting, receive all monies from the Secretary and deposit in the checking account, pay all proper League bills by promptly preparing checks for proper endorsement, and make available all books for a financial review to be conducted during the month of December by an Audit Committee of no less than three (3) members appointed by the President.


Section A              Any officer may be removed from office by a motion of the Legislative Body at a regular meeting and a 2/3 vote in favor of removal at the next regular meeting with a notice of such action published in a newsletter or in an e-mail distributed to all members and/or listed on the league’s website.

Section B              Any officer may resign by submitting a written notification of such resignation to the Executive Committee.

Section C — Upon the death, resignation, or removal of the President, the Vice President will become President.

An election to fill other vacated offices will be held at the next regular meeting.


Section A               The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act on all League matters and shall report to the Legislative Body.

Section B        An Executive Committee quorum will be three (3) members present.

Section C — Any League member is welcome to attend Executive Committee meetings but only Executive Committee members have a vote on Executive Committee matters.


Section A               Standing Committees shall consist of Fund Raising, Hospitality, Membership, and Newsletter/Website committees. The Chair of a standing committee shall recruit members to the committee. A report of committee actions will be presented at the Executive Committee meetings and regular meetings for inclusion in the minutes.

Section B         The Fund Raising Committee shall oversee all fund raising activities for the League.

Section C         The Hospitality Committee shall welcome new neighbors, develop programs and activities to enhance camaraderie and report on any areas that affect the welfare of the community and its residents.

Section D         The Membership Committee shall recruit and retain members to the League.

Section E               The Newsletter/Website Committee shall publish and distribute a periodic newsletter or website as directed by the Executive Committee. The newsletter/website shall contain information of interest to the community. The newsletter/website shall not have content that is sectarian, partisan, defamatory, or embarrassing.

Section F — The President shall appoint a Liaison Person to maintain contact with City officials for the purpose of reporting complaints, violations of city ordinances, and matters of mutual interest to the League and the City of Virginia Beach. The Liaison Person shall attend public gatherings that could furnish information or be of assistance to the League.

Section G — The President shall appoint a representative to attend the monthly meetings of the Virginia Beach Council of Civic Organizations (VBCCO).

Section H         The President shall appoint an Audit Committee consisting of no less than three (3) members. The Audit Committee shall perform a financial review of the financial records of the League and shall furnish a detailed financial statement of income and expenses to the general membership at the next scheduled meeting. Audits will be conducted annually in October. The audit will cover the period from the last audit to December 31st.

Section I — The President may appoint any temporary (ad hoc) committee to perform a prescribed task.


Section A             The Treasurer shall maintain a checking account with a banking institution approved by the Executive Committee.

Section B — The President and Vice President may sign League checks in the Treasurer’s absence.

Section C — The President has the authority to allocate expenses or to pay just League debts up to $200.

Disbursements of over $200 require a consensus of the Executive Committee or the Legislative Body.

Section D — Members operating in the name of the League shall turn all money received over to the Secretary.

Section E — The League shall operate on a calendar year basis (January 1st through December 31st.

Section F — Annual membership dues will be due and payable by December 31st. Annual membership fees will be pro-rated monthly for any qualified new Bellwood Estates residents.


Unless otherwise specified herein, Roberts Rules of Order shall apply.


An amendment to this constitution must be submitted in writing and read at a regular meeting, published in a newsletter and/or the league’s website, distributed to the community, presented again at the next regular meeting, and approved by majority of the Legislative Body present.


The Executive Committee shall develop a set of guidelines known as the Operating Procedures to carry out the provisions of this Constitution. Additions, deletions, or changes must be presented to the membership in a newsletter, voted upon by a motion, and passed by a simple majority at a subsequent meeting.

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