Civic League Meeting & Barbecue – May 16, 2023

START DATE: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 - 6:30 pm

END DATE: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 - 8:30 pm

Margaret Circle Cul-De-Sac, Virginia Beach, VA 23456
4004 Margaret Circle, Virginia Beach, VA, USA

General Meeting Agenda


For Bellwood Estates, Bellwood Meadows & Bellwood Forest Neighborhood Quarterly Meeting

Agenda May 16, 2023

I. Raffle

II. Approval of the Minutes

III. Financials – Approve Treasurer’s Report

IV. Committee Reports

● Hospitality – Marilyn Russell

● Entrance Way – Todd Garrett

● Neighborhood Watch & Dues update – Cheryl Monaco

● Website – Todd Garrett V. Old Business

● Future Civic League dates & Locations of August 8 – Need host

oNovember 14 – Need host

● Combine all bank accounts into a single account (need update)

● Need volunteer to track paid dues

● Need new block captain volunteers

● October halloween dance party to be discussed in August meeting

VI. New Business

● September community picnic

o Ideas to attract more participants

● June community yard sale

o Chose a date (previous year was June 18 from 7am-1pm)

● Elbow Road Expansion update

● Any New Topics

General Meeting Minutes


Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League-BNCL

For Bellwood Estates, Bellwood Meadows and Bellwood Forest

Neighborhood Quarterly Meeting Minutes

May 16, 2023

Officers present:  Mike McGinn and Mary Reed.

The Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League was held 7:00 pm at the Margaret Circle cul-de-sac as a BBQ.  President Mike called the meeting to order.  The raffle ($25 gift card) was won by Gary Hines.

Joe Monaco motioned to approve the minutes from February 2023 meeting and seconded by John DiCarlo.  All approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mike McGinn reported no new expenses to be added to the current budget. Cheryl Monaco reported that $3200 has been budgeted for collection for annual membership civic league dues.

Committee reports:

Hospitality – Marilyn Russell reported 2 families have moved out of neighborhood.

Entrance Way – It is being maintained monthly and mulch is scheduled.

Neighborhood Watch and Block Captains – Cheryl Monaco reported that an annual report must be made to VA Beach police department in order to keep Neighborhood Watch signs. More block captains are needed. Shevika Hannah has volunteered to be block captain.

Website – BNCL has a Facebook group.  Bellwood Neighbor. Request and be approved. Posting on the website is now available for local professionals who are members who have paid civic league dues.

Upcoming Civic League Meetings August 8th and November 14th are next meetings dates.  We need volunteers to host the August and November meetings.

New Business:

Neighborhood Picnic in the Park:

The suggested date is Saturday, September 16th from 1pm to 4pm. Mike is looking for suggestions for neighbor park picnic.  Shannon McGinn has suggested using food truck for food.


Todd Garrett suggested increasing the value of raffle prizes.  Volunteers are needed to setup on picnic day.  Flyers will be circulated in neighborhood.

Community Yard Sale A community yard sale has been planned for Saturday, June 17th, 7am to 1pm.  Mike will put out yard sale signs at each neighborhood entrances on Thursday, June 15th and Gary Hines will retrieve signs on Saturday, June 17th.  RSVP at BNCL website to notify that you are participating.  Samaritan House will pick up all donated items at end of yard sale with confirmation of number of participating home.  Mike will inquire.

Halloween Day Party – Julia Antelo (Treasurer) will host party in her driveway area, (Sargefield Street}

Elbow Road Expansion Project – Mike McGinn contacted Annette, VA Beach Planning Commission.

  1. Acquisition stage has been completed
  2. Noise specialist is assisting with project
  3. Inquired about payment to replace Bellwood Estates entrance brick walls.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.



Mary Reed

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