Civic League Meeting – Feb 21, 2023

START DATE: Tuesday, Feb 21, 2023 - 7:00 pm

END DATE: Tuesday, Feb 11, 2020 - 8:30 pm

Joe & Cheryl Monaco's Home
4004 Margaret Circle, Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA

General Meeting Agenda

  1. Raffle – Starts promptly at 7:00pm
  2. Approval of the Minutes
  3. Financials – Approve Treasurers Report
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Hospitality – Marilyn Russell
    2. Entrance Way – Julie Antelo & Todd Garrett
    3. Neighborhood Watch & Dues update – Cheryl Monaco
    4. Website – Todd Garrett
  5. Old Business
    1. TBD
  6. New Business
    1. Future civic league dates & locations
    2. Combine all bank accounts into a single account
    3. Any new topics




General Meeting Minutes


Minutes for Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League

Feb 21, 2023


Officers Present:  Mike McGinn, Joe Monaco and Julie Antelo.


Fifteen people were present at the meeting. 


Meeting commenced at 7 pm at the home of Joe and Cheryl Monaco.  The raffle prize winning ticket went to Jim Russell, who received a $20 gift card to Chick-fil-A.


Daniel Antelo motioned to approve the minutes from Feb 2020 meeting, and Derek Lavan seconded.  All approved.


Mike McGinn reviewed the budget for 2023.  We are budgeting to receive $3200 in dues this year (which is equal to the amount of dues brought in 2022).  Dues income has declined for the last few years.  Now that we have reestablished our meetings and event schedule, it is our hope that people will become reengaged and subsequently more people will pay dues.  Expenses for Dominion Power have increased, thus we have an increase in the budget to $430 a year.  The Entrance Ways has a budget of $1300.  The Website expenses is budgeted to be $370.  Hospitality budget is $100.  We used to budget funds to participate in VBCCO (Virginia Beach Council of Civic Organizations).  Cheryl Monaco has researched the organization.  VBCCO disbanded in September of 2021 and isn’t certain to start back up.  Danny Antelo motioned to accept the 2023 budget and Marilyn Russell seconded.  All approved.


Hospitality Update – Marilyn Russell read the names and address of all the people that have moved in since our last meeting in 2020.  We have had a considerable amount of residents move in over the past 3 years.


Entrance Ways Update – Julie Antelo’s son  (Daniel) is being paid to maintain all the entrance ways.  Mr. Melgoza mulches twice a year.  It was suggested that Daniel also maintain Bellwood Meadows Entrance Way.  Todd Garrett mentioned that it is much more labor intensive to keep that particular entrance way cleared of weeds.


Block Captains and Neighborhood Watch Update – Block captains are needed.  If anyone wants to volunteer, contact Cheryl Monaco.  Cheryl Monaco will look up to see what areas need block captains and will send an email out asking for volunteers.  Cheryl also asked for a volunteer to help track dues payments.  Derek Lavan volunteered to help.


Website Update – Todd Garrett updated us on the website.    There are alerts from VB on the website and some valuable information.  Mike Mcginn will give Todd the Elbow Road Expansion project info and he will get it on the website.


Elbow Road Expansion Update – Mike McGinn contacted the city and it is still in the acquisition phase of the project. 



New Business:


Danny Antelo suggested a neighborhood get together on Halloween night.   We will discuss further in August meeting.  Danny said he would head that up.


We discussed merging the Bellwood Meadows budget with the Bellwood Estates budget.  It is much less complicated to merge the two accounts and now operate as one unit.  Danny Antelo motioned to merge the funds and budget, and Todd Garrett seconded.  All approved.


Upcoming Civic League Meetings:  May 16, August 8 and Nov 14 are next meetings. We need volunteers to host the August and November meetings.


At our May 16 meeting, we will have a barbeque on the Margaret Circle culdesac.  Todd Garrett will put a sign-up list on the website.  The civic league will provide hot dogs and hamburgers.  Mike McGinn will create a flyer for the picnic and it will be distributed to the neighborhood by volunteers.  Marilyn Russell, Lauren Heath, Amara Minnis, and Danny Angelo will help distribute those flyers.  An email will be sent out on April 25.  The flyers are to be distributed on May 1.  Danny Antelo can help print the flyers.


Bellwood Forrest Expansion – Nancy Mobley informed us that Bellwood Forrest is proposed to have 15 new homes constructed, with a possibility of an additional 15-25 homes later on.  She is concerned about flooding if the houses are built and where drainage will happen.  Joe Monaco suggested she reach out to our councilwoman, Barbara Henley.  

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