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Civic League “ZOOM” Meeting – Nov 15, 2023

START DATE: Wednesday, Nov 15, 2023 - 7:00 pm

END DATE: Wednesday, Nov 15, 2023 - 7:40 pm

Online Via Zoom - Look for an Email with Personal Meeting ID & Passcode
Bellwood Estates, Virginia Beach, VA, USA

General Meeting Agenda

This meeting will be limited to “40” minutes due to restrictions with a free zoom account.  If anyone has a Pro account and can host the meeting, reach out to Mike at



BELLWOOD NEIGHBORHOODS CIVIC LEAGUE For Bellwood Estates, Bellwood Meadows & Bellwood Forest Neighborhood Quarterly Meeting Agenda November 15, 2023

  1.  Raffle
  2. Approval of the Minutes
  3. Financials
    1. Approve Treasurer’s Report
  4. Committee Reports
      1. Hospitality – Marilyn Russell
      2. Entrance Way – Julie Antelo
      3. Neighborhood Watch & Dues update – Cheryl Monaco
      4. Website – Todd Garrett
  5. Old Business
    1. Combine all bank accounts into a single account (need update)
  6. Future Civic League dates & Locations
    1. February 14 – Virtual Meeting
    2. May 15 – Virtual Meeting
    3. August 13 – Virtual Meeting
    4. November 12 – Virtual Meeting
  7. New Business
    1. Holiday light contest
      1. Can we get a votingnomination setup on our website to allow the community to pick the winner?
    2. Neighborhood sign for Bellwood Forest
    3. Virtual meetings
    4. Any New Topics

General Meeting Minutes


Minutes Bellwood Neighborhood Civic League

November 15, 2023

The meeting was held via zoom and started at 7 pm.  Officers present were Mike McGinn and Julie Antelo.  Meeting was also attended by Todd Garrett, Marilyn and Jim Russell, Rachel and David Smith, Lauren McWilliams, Chuck LeGeyt,  Mendy DeVoe and Cheryl Monaco.

Todd Garrett won the raffle prize.  Marilyn Russell suggested the minutes be approved, Julie Bressette seconded the motion, and everyone approved.

The treasurer’s report was shown to the group.  Julie Antelo answered questions about the report.  We are running under budget for most items, and over a bit on the picnic.

Marilyn Russell gave the hospitality report.  She has welcomed 6 new families into the neighborhood.

Todd Garrett mentioned that the entrance ways are being maintained well by Julie’s son.

Cheryl Monaco updated that the police precinct is behind schedule getting the neighborhood watch updated with the civic leagues.  As for civic league dues, 42% of the neighborhood has paid their dues for 2023.

Bellwood Neighborhoods will have a holiday lights contest with prizes to the top three picks.  This year the neighborhood will vote via the Bellwood website for who they would like to win the contest.  Todd Garrett has already uploaded form to the website.  Mike will create a flyer to announce the contest.  Block captains will pass them out.

Discussion commenced regarding neighborhood signs.  The question arose that since both Bellwood Estates and Bellwood Meadows have a neighborhood sign, wouldn’t it be fair for the Civic League to put up a Bellwood Forest sign.  Mike explained that it would be nice for Bellwood Forest to have their own sign.  However, the Civic League did not pay for the Bellwood Estates nor the Bellwood Meadows signs.  Those signs were built and paid by the original neighborhood developer.  Therefore, the residents would have to pay for their own sign should they desire one as their developer did not build a sign.  Having a sign for the Bellwood Forrest neighborhood was discussed.  The signs that are currently in place require regular upkeep and maintenance.  Our civic league absorbs those costs and would indeed absorb the upkeep and maintenance cost for a Bellwood Forest sign should the residents decide to have one built.

Lauren McWilliams suggested that we find additional ways to keep communication open with neighborhood.  She offered to help with some social media ideas.

Mike McGinn also mentioned that we need to get updated email addresses from the residents, as many of the emails he sends out get kicked back.  It was suggested that we could possibly put an update section on the website to get email addresses.  The zoom meeting ended in the middle of that discussion, as the 40 minutes had expired.

Todd Garrett suggested considering purchasing a zoom membership if we decide to continue running meetings with this method.  Right now the cost would be approximately $150 for a year.  This would allow up to 100 people and up to 30 hours.  Otherwise, we are limited to 40 minutes.

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