Civic League Meeting November 15, 2016

START DATE: Tuesday, Nov 15, 2016 - 7:00 pm

END DATE: Tuesday, Nov 15, 2016 - 8:15 pm

Joe and Cheryl Monaco's house
4004 Margaret Circle, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

General Meeting Agenda

  1. Raffle
  2. Approval of the Minutes
    1. Financials
    2. Approve Treasurer’s Report
  3. Committee Reports
    1. Hospitality – Marilyn Russell
    2. Entrance Way – Chuck LeGeyt and John Decarlo
    3. Neighborhood Watch & Dues update – Cheryl Monaco
  4. Old Business
    1. Answers to questions from previous meeting
    2. Elbow Road
  5. New Business
    1. Website Redesign
    2. Budget for 2017
    3. Holiday Decorations Contest
    4. Meetings for 2017 (need host homes) – Feb. 21, May 9, August 8, Nov 14
    5. Officers for 2017Any new concerns


General Meeting Minutes

Total in Attendance: 10

Officers Present: Joe Monaco, Kelvin King and Mary Reed

The Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League meeting was held at the home of Joe and Cheryl Monaco at 4004 Margaret Circle at 7:00 p.m. President Joe Monaco called the meeting to order. The meeting began with a raffle (the prize was a Starbucks gift card) for all those who arrived prior to the 7 o’clock meeting time. The prize winner was Earl Banks.

The minutes were provided by Cheryl Monaco. Minutes were read silently. Marilyn motioned to accept minutes and seconded by Charlie Williams.

Treasurer’s Report:

Kevin King presented the treasurer’s report. Mike McGinn motioned to accept the treasurer’s report and seconded by Marilyn Russell. The minutes were unanimously accepted.

Committee Reports:

  • Hospitality chairperson, Marilyn Russell reported that she has visited a new resident on 2240 Margaret Drive. She said she sends welcome cards to all new residents and plants for new buyers. She was told to submit receipts for all her purchases. The BNCL will give her a check for $25.
  • Cheryl reported on neighborhood watch.
  • Dues participation last year was an increase, 54% for Bellwood Estates, 55% for Bellwood Forest. The dues letter will be sent out in January.

Joe reported on scheduled land purchased for a mosque on corner of Salem and Landstown Road. He was told that it was approved by the city but no further information has been provided since. Joe said it might be no different than the many times we have seen a church buy property and get approval to build, only to wait years to begin construction. Sometimes construction never begins. However, a public notice signage must be posted before any construction.

There was a question about an upgrade to storm drainage system. Mike Vecerkauskas had visited Virginia Beach City website. All information was posted 2 years ago. Mike sent inquiry to environmental state department. Becky has similar issues in Bellwood Meadows. She will report this to city.

New Business:

Joe reported on website redesign. Proposed website will have “plug-in”. Cost is $700 to design website, $50. onetime fee per plug-in and $180 yearly. Mike McGinn motioned to try new website design and seconded by Earl Banks.

Kelvin King presented budget for 2017. Mike McGinn motioned to approve new budget and seconded by Earl Banks.

Joe requested comments from members.

Joe announced that he intends to step down in February 2017 as President due to family reasons. Cheryl will not be able to assist him in activities. If necessary, he will be willing to stay on for the duration 2017. He has enjoyed his tenure but will continue to help the Civic league and considers himself honored to have been able to serve.

Joe reported on the speeding issue in neighborhood. He talked to sergeant at precinct. There could be a speed monitoring sign put in neighborhood but because of its size, it would impede the view of a neighbor. Councilwoman Rosemary Wilson told Joe someone can be sent out to evaluate neighborhood.   No speed bumps can be placed in neighborhood.

Traffic calming is another solution but must have the signature of 75% of residents in neighborhood.

The house at 2137 Brushhill appears to have been abandoned. We will check with public safety to see what actions can be taken.

The next meetings scheduled dates are Feb. 21, May 9, August 8 and Nov. 14. Cheryl will email neighbors to host meetings on those dates.

The meeting adjourned at 8 pm.

Mary Reed




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