START DATE: Saturday, May 6, 2017 - 6:00 pm
END DATE: Saturday, May 6, 2017 - 8:00 pm
Margaret Circle Court
4004 Margaret Circle, Virginia Beach, VA, United States
Total in Attendance: Over 40
Officers Present: Joe Monaco, Kelvin King and Mary Reed
The Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League meeting cookout was held in the court at Margaret Circle at 6:00 p.m. Hamburgers, hotdogs and drinks were provided by BNCL. Everyone brought a side dish and their own chairs for seating. President Joe Monaco called the meeting to order. The meeting began with a raffle (the prize was a $50 Home Deposit gift card) for all those who arrived prior to the 6 o’clock meeting.
The minutes were provided by Mary Reed and posted on website. Joe Monaco asked if any changes to minutes. Mike McGinn motioned to accept minutes and seconded by Shirley Sheppard. The minutes were unanimously accepted.
Treasurer’s Report:
Kevin King presented the treasurer’s report. One entry was omitted. $1865 for the repair of entry sign that was damaged when neighbor’s tree fell on it. Hank motioned to accept the treasurer’s report and seconded by John. The report was unanimously accepted.
Committee Reports:
Old Business:
Joe reported that the construction is scheduled for the area behind 7-11 store. It is a 35 foot tall building. Lightbridge Academy agreed to leave a row of trees to separate neighborhood homes.
New Business:
A host for August BECL meeting is needed. Please notify Cheryl if you can host. Debbie and Kelvin King will host Nov. 14th meeting.
Joe discussed tornado damage in neighborhood. He also discussed “The Summer picnic in park” scheduled for September 16th. We will have game, prizes, food caterer.
A vote had been passed to allow one time exemption vote for officers in May instead of November. Since there was only one nomination for each office, Grace Bassett motioned to have a voice vote. It was seconded by Marilyn Russell. The vote was unanimously passed. Joe read the slate of officers:
President………….. Mike McGinn
Vice president …. Joe Monaco
Treasurer………….. Kelvin King
Secretary………….. Mary Reed
New Business:
Leslie Hart and Marilyn Russell suggested we have a community yard sale. It is scheduled for June 10, 2017 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We will advertise on Facebook and craigslist.
Pat LeGeyt reported that someone is vandalizing the bushes along Elbow Road. Please report if you see anyone.
Mike McGinn, the new president gave a few remarks to the neighbors. He solicited and welcomed any support from neighbors.
The second raffle was held for another $50 gift card.
The meeting adjourned.
Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League
Mary Reed